In April a group of researchers from Berlin Institute of Health and Charité organized a virtual brainstorming with local and international scientists about sex and gender differences in Covid-19. Dr. Tracey Weissgerber from the BIH Quest Center introduced this inclusive and collaborative online format to the group and facilitated the virtual brainstorming. During 48 hours, 30 participants from around the world discussed aspects of gender specific differences in prevention and treatment as well as the importance of gender specific data collection during the Covid-19 pandemic. One important point all participants agreed on is, that we need data that include sex/gender and other dimensions to better understand sex and gender specific differences in Covid-19. Ongoing meta-research shows that many Covid-19 preprints do not report sex and gender. Participants in the virtual brainstorming day are working together to improve reporting
Further information about how to organize a virtual brainstorming day is available at https://elifesciences.org/inside-elife/89e59b16/elife-and-covid-19-getti...