During the last about two years, the CoP had monthly telcos with nearly always a complete participation. This shows how much the peer group is valued by its members.
Author: Maria Cristina Mayordomo Tella
When the ACT on Gender Life Sciences Community of Practice was settle, we defined the main objectives as follows: Increase awareness for unconscious bias, Overcome resistance to Gender Equality and Include gender aspects in evaluation processes.
Author: Ana Petronilho

Who we are
The final online workshop in the LifeSciCoP supported by ACT was targeted to Human Resource personal and Gender equality officer.

On 13-15 October 2020 several members of the LifeScicop attended the EMBL Conference Gender Roles and their Impact in Academia. Julia Garcia Prado, Janire Salazar, Ana Petronilho. Sonja Reiland and myself prepared a poster to explain the aims and proposed Action Plan for the LifeSciCop.

During the lockdown due to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic (specifically from May 15 to 31, 2020), the Equality Task Force of the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM, CSIC) launched a survey to evaluate the Confinement Impact and to know how co-re

We all use Wikipedia, so why not help it grow and become more diverse? By participating in our event, you can contribute to and improve Wikipedia. It is easy to learn and can be done from wherever you are located.

In this article, we share some of our experiences and learnings from developing a Gender and Diversity Plan (GDP) via virtual collaboration.

In April a group of researchers from Berlin Institute of Health and Charité organized a virtual brainstorming with local and international scientists about sex and gender differences in Covid-19. Dr.

In June 2019, the Department of Applied Sciences at UWE Bristol ran its third survey on gender equality as part of our work towards an Athena SWAN

Inappropriate behavior damages the work culture and has a negative effect on the individual concerned. In order to further nurture the positive and productive work environment at the BIH, an Active Bystander training course was held at the BIH office on January 10.
A semminar devoted to review and learn inclusive lenguage in our professional life. Due to the nature and special needs of inclusive language training the semminar will be given in catalan and example will be also given in spanish.

From the IGTP we would like to invite all our colleagues to the Symposium on Integrating the Gender Perspective in Biomedical Research to be held at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) on the Can Ruti Campus on Monday 10 February.

Charité International Cooperation and the equal opportunity officer of the Charité and Berlin Institute of Health invite international female postdocs working at BIH, Charité and MDC to join our networking + training event.
A small summary about who the life science Community of Practice is and what the objectives are for our collaborative work.